• 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
  • 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History
人気の 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History 貨幣収集、切手収集
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人気の 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History 貨幣収集、切手収集

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人気の 貨幣収集、切手収集 World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History 貨幣収集、切手収集
販売価格:¥6800 税込


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World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History


World Stamp Show NY 2016 Auction The Erivan Collection Selected United States and Confederate States Stamps and Postal History

93P。英語表記 コレクター放出品 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。

How it all began...
To my own knowledge I started collecting stamps when I was
ge I started collecting stamps when I was about three years old.
Pretty and colorful to my eves, it enhanced the blue cover my mother ad given me with the explanation, that it had come from a far away country, belgium. At that occasion she also told me - as she would do many times in later years - of the customs and traditions of other people and early on awoke the desire within me to travel.

My mother Elisabeth Haub, maiden name Schmitz-Scholl, was the heir of national trading house, and her correspondence within Germany as well as internationally was tremendous. Soon I would recognize - based on the Small stamp on the envelope - where the letter had its origin and I began to store the covers in a small shoe box ? that was the humble beginning of my life time passion and hobby.

And as much as the collector of today enjoys the new purchase for his collection, he also vividly remembers just as intense the pride he experienced, when he was a little boy completing his first set of stamps.

My personal review is not intended to be an assessment of my collection habits, but much more, by reviewing memories and recapturing the personal experiences and remembrance of the many people I was honored to meet and who have accompanied and supported me on my way.









こちらの商品案内は 「■@即売くん5.30■」 で作成されました。



大特価!!】 and States United Selected Collection Erivan The
大特価!!】 and States United Selected Collection Erivan The
大特価!!】 and States United Selected Collection Erivan The
大特価!!】 and States United Selected Collection Erivan The
Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 683 Page 36
Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC Sale - 683 Page 36
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. Sale - 1226 Page 59
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. Sale - 1226 Page 59
USA 🇺🇸 Stamps 1900 - 1920. : r/stamps
USA 🇺🇸 Stamps 1900 - 1920. : r/stamps



主人用に購入しました。 しっかりした良い商品だと思います。お値段も手頃で良いです。

  • 28歳
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  • こばこば1515
  • 36歳
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子どもの部活用に購入しました 去年は猛暑の中、厚地で辛かったそうなので 夏用の袴にしました 折り目が縫われているので、ヒダが広がらず 洗濯後のお手入れが楽でありがたいです

  • じん0406
  • 24歳
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  • クチコミ投稿 1件


綿素材だとどうしても汗をかくと べとついてしまうのですが、 こちらはサラサラしていて良い感じです 夏の合宿に使いたいです 薄くてやや透けますが、下に着るので問題ないです

  • D.T.1
  • 32歳
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  • ともさん7788
  • 40歳
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  • king海王
  • 28歳
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